Wig’s Word of God Today 8-31-2011
I will thank you forever for what You have done. I will put my hope in Your Name—for it is good, —in the presence of those devoted to you. Psalm 52:11
Colossians 1:1-8, Psalm 52 & Luke 4:38-44
There’s nothing more special than spending time with people who love God as much as you do. You can feel the Spirit of God in the air and you can almost reach out and touch His Presence on the shoulders of your friends as you talk of His love and mercy. When you devote yourself passionately to serving the LORD, you begin to understand His love is to be shared with not only your friends but the lost ones of the world whom need His love most. Many may call this service work but one must realize Jesus calls service to be what we are to Him and not what we do for Him.
Remember to always approach your life as an Apostle, Disciple or Follower of His Ways as being devoted to Christ Jesus not any particular belief or doctrine. Take our work for our country for example; serving Jesus is not about being a Democrat or Republican but being an American who is devoted to Christ’s love in His Word to guide us to freedom beyond the boundaries of living amongst a secular world of self, lust and greed. When you live a life devoted to Jesus, you live a life touched by the Spirit of God and finally see Who Jesus really is—the True Source of your devotion.
We see too many times today that the Word of God has been replaced with personal belief where people are devoted to causes while so few are truly devoted to Jesus Christ. Jesus expects us to more than just His friend, He wants us to be devoted to His Truth in thoughts, speaking, and in action to create obedience to living the Will of the Father. Jesus was devoted to living the Will of God not humanity.
We must come to find the significance of being a meek person with a humble heart to accomplish His Will enabling us to touch the lives of humanity. Personal belief will always end up tired and destroyed but devoted belief in Christ Jesus will live on forever even when people treat you with disrespect. Devoted love to Christ wills a never ending waiver of understanding His Truth.
I will thank you forever for what You have done. I will put my hope in Your Name—for it is good, —in the presence of those devoted to you. Psalm 52:11
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today our love is devoted to Your Son’s Truth. We pray to day for my daughter Alexandra’s peace and healing. We pray all of this in the Name above all names; Christ Jesus. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
How Are You Living?
How are you living?
Devoted to His Son?
Searching for service?
Self-pleasured fun?
How are you living?
Devoted to what we do?
Searching for humanity?
Lacking His proof?
How are you living?
Finding who you are?
Searching for Truth
Finding Christ’s love afar?
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 31, 2011 @ 6:07 AM EST
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