Monthly Archives: December 2014

Whoever heeds instruction is a wise son, but whoever joins with wastrels disgraces his father. Proverbs 28:7 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-31-2014 Developing growth wisdom completed Whoever heeds instruction is a wise son, but whoever joins with wastrels disgraces his father. Proverbs 28:7 No one who denies the Son … Continue reading

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Better to be poor and walk in integrity than rich and crooked in one’s ways. Proverbs 28:6 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-30-2014 Destinations deceitful devious debtor Better to be poor and walk in integrity than rich and crooked in one’s ways. Proverbs 28:6 Do not love the world or … Continue reading

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The evil understand nothing of justice, but those who seek the LORD understand everything. Proverbs 28:5 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-29-2014 Nothing evil justice likelihood The evil understand nothing of justice, but those who seek the LORD understand everything. Proverbs 28:5 The way we may be sure that … Continue reading

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Those who abandon instruction praise the wicked, but those who keep instruction oppose them. Proverbs 28:4 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-28-2014 Wicked praised by instruction dampened Those who abandon instruction praise the wicked, but those who keep instruction oppose them. Proverbs 28:4 Blessed are all who fear the … Continue reading

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The wicked flee though none pursue; but the just, like a lion, are confident. Proverbs 28:1 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-27-2014 Just Truth plunge Confident lion lunge The wicked flee though none pursue; but the just, like a lion, are confident. Proverbs 28:1 You who love the LORD, … Continue reading

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Take good care of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; For wealth does not last forever, nor even a crown from age to age. Prv 27:23-24 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-26-2014 Leaves never suicidal spiral arrival Take good care of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; For wealth does not last forever, nor even a crown … Continue reading

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Sheol and Abaddon can never be satisfied; so the eyes of mortals can never be satisfied. Proverbs 27:20 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-25-2014 Satisfaction none joy interlaced Satisfied desires face waste Sheol and Abaddon can never be satisfied; so the eyes of mortals can never be satisfied. Proverbs 27:20 They … Continue reading

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As face mirrors face in water, so the heart reflects the person. Proverbs 27: DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-24-2014 God to View Mirrors View love will impart As face mirrors face in water, so the heart reflects the person. Proverbs 27:19 And you, child, will be … Continue reading

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Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-23-2014 Sharpened teeth knowledge we gorge Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 Remember no more the sins of my youth; remember me according … Continue reading

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For a persistent leak on a rainy day the match is a quarrelsome wife; Whoever would hide her hides a storm wind and cannot tell north from south. Proverbs 27:15-16 DownloadSubscribe: Android | RSSWigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 12-22-2014 Wife quarrelsome match the proud For a persistent leak on a rainy day the match is a quarrelsome wife; Whoever would hide her hides a storm wind … Continue reading

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