All who heard these things took them to heart, saying, “What, then, will this child be?” For surely the hand of the Lord was with him. Luke 1:66

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 12-23-2013

John grew aloud the Hand of the LORD conceived

All who heard these things took them to heart, saying, “What, then, will this child be?” For surely the hand of the Lord was with him. Luke 1:66

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24, Psalm 99 & Luke 1:57-66

The LORD indeed was with John as he grew to become the “voice in the desert” calling out to the people to become Baptized and repent from their sins. Surely his father Zechariah exemplified how one glorifies God in the midst of great terror among true celebration for in losing his ability to speak kept him not from glorifying God as John was being Baptized with the name who will ultimately Baptize his cousin the Christ. Where and how we allow God to become our guide answers the question is faith, hope and love of charity a part of your life’s direction? Naturally, we must all survive on our own intentions but are we allowing God’s Only Son to direct our energies in to progress towards ultimate freedom? Ah, to live as Zechariah- obedient surrendered faith. Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray Your Hand guides us LORD. Greg Bishop has our never-ending prayers. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD from Psalm 99:3-4, I chant, “Let them praise Your great and awesome Name: Holy is He! O Mighty King, lover of justice, You have established fairness; You have created just rule.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20

John grew aloud the Hand of the LORD conceived- Luke 1:57-66

Arrived the time to bear a son
Mercy great towards Elizabeth to stun
Neighbors rejoicing having fun
On the eighth day Zechariah would shun

Neighbors or relatives thoughts to adhere
The angel who rallied him never to fear
The LORD was upon him making him steer
What his wife replied with her John so dear

Many grumbled as if it were their child
No name among your relatives attire
Asking the dad what his name was to retire
Zechariah wrote his name is John to admire

His mouth then became freed
Glorifying God his joy to be
Zechariah rejoiced blessing God indeed
Fear over hillside many came to believe

John grew aloud the Hand of the LORD conceived

© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins December 23, 2013 @ 4:49 AM EST

About Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

My name is Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins. I first recognize Christ as my Savior in all things. I am married to my best friend and Soul-Mate in Christ, Antonia Cruz-Wiggins. I am a University of Florida graduate of Public Relations, a US Navy Veteran and a Montessori Elementary School Teacher. I love life and God's help of living it! I follow the Light of Christ in everything I do! I love writing poetry about the Lord and I create a new poem from each Scripture I discern in my daily mediations. You can almost follow the poem by looking at the readings for each day. I started sharing this small yet personal scripture study four years ago when one day I was reading the bible and the Holy Spirit moved me to share the verse with a group of about 40 Christian Men in my Emmaus Ministry who get together weekly to celebrate the Lord and talk about His Truth. Since then the number of people I share my study with has grown to over 650. I enjoy an open loving dialog about anything I write and I have strived to write what I know the Lord wants me to share steering clear of offending anyone’s spiritual beliefs because I share my work with people I meet in public when I strike up a conversation about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It took almost 2 years to begin writing what the Holy Spirit leads me to say. I believe that all Christians must unite as One Body of Christ’s Love to accomplish the joy of living with love, honor and respect. I reach out to Humanity to share His Salvation be it Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Episcopal or any other religion or belief. I seek to mirror His Compassion, His Simpleness, His Charity and His Love. While I am Catholic, I believe we must all unite in the Lord to become One Body in Christ to bring our children back to The Church. I am humbled to share my study with you. Please feel free to comment any time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my Joy because I am a Disciple of His Truth. I am honored to share my Bible study with anyone you may recommend. As always, I remain, Yours in Christ, Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
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