Wig’s Word of God Today 4-22-2011
A grave was assigned Him among the wicked and a burial place with evildoers, Though He had done no wrong nor spoken any falsehood. Isaiah 53:9
Son though He was, He learned obedience from what He suffered; and when He was made perfect, He became the source of Eternal Salvation for all who obey Him. Hebrews 5:8-9
When Jesus had taken the wine, He said, “It is finished.” And bowing His head, He handed over the spirit. John 19:30
Isaiah 52:13—53:12, Psalm 32, Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 & John 18:1—19:42
Many a child has asked me, “why is the Friday before Easter called Good Friday?” I always say because Jesus Christ was Crucified and died that day to fulfill the destiny of God’s Only Son eliminating sin from humanity for those who believe because His death and resurrection proved God’s Divine ability’s enabling humanity to have a release from sin. All things good happened by His death my children allowing those who believe to have an Eternal Life free from Satan’s grip on our soul. Our freedom was Eternally Won giving us the Truth God wanted mankind to know and understand to accomplish faith, charity and love for all of history. As Paul so eloquently wrote in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in His body upon the Cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.”
There must be reconciliation to live in peace and many have proved God’s Eternal Love for us has changed the minds and hearts of countless people. By our actions of faith, charity and love we learn to live amongst ourselves in harmony seeking to be proactive in our homes, neighborhoods, communities, countries and our world for the love of justice and peace. My amazing God-fearing wife has been troubled as have I with a neighborhood situation lately of children fighting and causing children and families alike to be hurt and afraid. Through her prayers and guidance of God we have held hands and prayed with our neighbor’s parents and children by holding hands and asking for forgiveness and peace to overcome their desires to retaliate and further destroy the harmony and peace of our world. She began to pray of a way to promote peace and harmony in our neighborhood sharing her plans with a close friend in Christ and was called by God to initiate a neighborhood feet washing to follow the examples Christ Who washed the feet of His Disciples and commanded them to do the same.
Her friend made 33 sandwiches and my wife made signs and posted them on her car at our neighborhood park stating “Free Feet Washing.” I wasn’t surprised to hear that the first feet they washed were our neighbor’s mom and daughter who have been trying to stop the fighting with her children. Many more came and spoke with my wife and her friend where they prayed, washed their feet and spoke of God’s love to change the minds of all people involved on both sides of the conflict. Children of the neighborhood came as well as other residents and received copies of prayers to follow, rosaries and explanations of why Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples. Her last foot washing was a man who said he would let them wash his feet if he washed theirs. This was a beautiful way to initiate a resurrected weekend by being proactive to accomplish the Will of God for faith, charity and love. By loving your love of Christ we become Apostles of His Truth to lead by example. Amen!
So we ask in prayer: Heavenly King and Father, we pray today for all things Good to be examples of our love of loving Your Son by our actions, by our prayers and by our life’s examples. In Jesus Holy Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
Eternal Life the Reward of Holy Friday’s Deed
A garden was His last place to pray
Accepted fate as God’s Will that day
Miraculous healing of an ear he touched
His love of humanity His only guided lust
The betrayer led them to His prayerful place
Jesus the Nazorean was called to face
A crucifixion for sins shame though sinless
The Father’s Will His Truth and blameless
He faced Pilate with true humility
His fate sealed by the Cross of Reality
Forgive them Father was His formality
Humanity’s sin forgiven His totality
Not a bone was broken as He hung on our Cross
Blood and water flowed from this cost
Covering the sins of all who believe
Eternal Life the reward of Holy Friday’s deed
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 22, 2011 @ 6:48 AM EST