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Wigs Word of God Today 5-25-2013
Be as a child frolicking in God’s Spirit of knowledge and understanding.
With knowledge and understanding He filled them; good and evil He showed them. He put fear of Him into their hearts to show them the Grandeur of His Works, That they might describe the wonders of His Deeds and praise His Holy Name. He set before them knowledge, and allotted to them the Law of Life. Sirach 17:7-11
When Jesus saw this He became indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to Me; do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Mark 10:14-15
Sirach 17:1-15, Psalm 103 & Mark 10:13-16
When we fear the loss of life, knowledge and understanding fill our hearts with good or evil living the knowledge of death do us part as the Law of Life changes not. We can accept the goodness or wickedness that leads to this face-to-face meeting by promotion or denial enticing our lives to “praise His Holy Name” experiencing the “Grandeur of His Works” allowing us to understand the “wonder of His Deeds” having knowledge of the “Law of Life.”
God has given us this gift to accept or deny for we become understanding of this fact that we are all going to die unlike the animals of the earth, the birds of the sky or the fish of the sea God has given us dominion over offering every kind of plant to eat including the fruits of sweet dripping with His love as the smell of mangos I’m dehydrating behind me say. We know it- death will overcome us we realize in our hearts one day as we grow as a Child of God into an adult of fearful living.
Jesus opens our hearts today to be as a child frolicking in God’s Spirit accepting of His Son’s Salvation to live forever. The old will pass away and the new will come driven by a force that will clash with God’s Kingdom and we’ll be protected from wrath by the life we live for His Truth in the here-and-now. Here to surrender to God before the now of death takes you to the Netherworld of excess and filth while the Kingdom of Heaven has the Eternal gift of forgiveness and life everlasting. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to live the Law of Life as a little child playing in the sand. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. Day nine of a novena prayers for Roxy. Day eight of a novena of prayers for Sal, Melina and Page. Novena prayers in day eight for Sue’s healing LORD. LORD from Psalm 132:12 I chant- “If your sons observe My Covenant, and My Decrees I shall teach them. Their sons, in turn, shall sit forever on Your Throne.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Clear as the sun His eyes watch our glorification– Sirach 17:1-15
Created man by God to stay
Dominion of earth we play
The image of Him we pray
Strength of Him displayed
Day are limited we learn
Power we come to discern
Flesh we bleed as bird’s concern
Fear to rule the beasts to spurn
Counsel sets before our very eyes
Our mind and heart are one undenied
Tongues to taste with eyes and ears to hear the lies
Disciplined for understanding hearts inventive cries
God Himself put His fear in our hearts
Evil versus good we live to take part
Mighty Works of He our learning start
Glorify His Name His Deeds have hit their mark
Here knowledge becomes one in the same
We have to understand there is no one to blame
But ourselves for denying the Fathers Holy Name
Inheritance an Everlasting Covenant He Ordained
Justice and judgment revealed to take part
The Glory seen their eyes hear when to start
Evil is avoided He told coming from the heart
Precepts of our fellow man discerned as we hark
Nothing hidden from God’s invention
Life He gave a leader for every nation
Portion of God’s Own Israel substantiation
Clear as the sun His eyes watch our glorification
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins May 25, 2013 @ 5:17 AM EST