He summoned the crowd again and said to them, “Hear Me, all of you, and understand.” Mark 7:14

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-8-2012


He summoned the crowd again and said to them, “Hear Me, all of you, and understand.” Mark 7:14


1 Kings 10:1-10, Psalm 37 & Mark 7:14-23


Jesus gets done telling the Pharisees that they cling to human tradition and forgo the Truth God has given to the world in His Commandments as He remarks, “Hear Me, all of you and understand. Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile. Mark 7:14-15 Jesus then tells His Disciples nothing you eat can pollute you but only what comes from your heart and soul through your mouth in words is what can bring you down and curse the Spirit of Truth causing sadness, seclusion and sin.


We are no different in our approach to life as we live to accomplish His Truth by our practice, prayer and preaching. When we gossip or talk of other people’s situations or habits, we pull our own hearts into the defilement and cause our Spirit to be weakened by our response of envy, pride and greed. For some reason people encounter this in all areas of their life and can be lead into sin in a moments notice unless we purposely pray our way out of saying anything God wouldn’t say Himself.


People are going to be jealous by their lack of faith in God’s Word of what other people do, act or say but it is up to you to be a person who carries God’s Truth in your heart as protection from resentment, conceit and self-indulgence. I have a close friend who is working with children in teaching them how God’s Word is their guide in all aspects of living. She asked me to write a poem about family and self-esteem for her work with kids and today’s poems are written to share the Truth of God to children for the future of the world. Share His Truth not Your tragedies. Remember, “Don’t say anything to anyone that God wouldn’t say Himself to mankind.” Amen.


We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to practice, pray and preach only Your Truth by our actions, words and deeds. We are praying for the soon to be released film “October Baby” to educate the world about abortion. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to close abortion clinics. We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our spouses, children, family, friends, and the unknown Christ-like people we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


God’s Son is my Family’s Food

My family loves God with joy so true I

 know this in my heart as eternal glue

He is my life in my family of faith

I love life as my family’s escape

To find the truth in all we do

We abide by His love of family to move

My heart as it beats as one in you

My family is God lived in His Truth

God Loves Us Eternally

He is our G.L.U.E.

My Family loves life as proof

God’s Son is my Family’s Food

Self-esteem of a Child to live in Redemption

God made me to laugh and to cry

He made me to know how to survive

His Truth is my strength to totally abide

I have faith because His love will never die

If I am confused with life to try

Be not afraid of the night in the sky

I can turn to Jesus and know how to fly

With His Word as my eternal guide

Confidence of heart is made from within

The presence of heaven I forever win

A part of me God always intends

Self-esteem of a Child to live in Redemption

© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 8, 2012 @ 6:01 AM EST

About Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

My name is Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins. I first recognize Christ as my Savior in all things. I am married to my best friend and Soul-Mate in Christ, Antonia Cruz-Wiggins. I am a University of Florida graduate of Public Relations, a US Navy Veteran and a Montessori Elementary School Teacher. I love life and God's help of living it! I follow the Light of Christ in everything I do! I love writing poetry about the Lord and I create a new poem from each Scripture I discern in my daily mediations. You can almost follow the poem by looking at the readings for each day. I started sharing this small yet personal scripture study four years ago when one day I was reading the bible and the Holy Spirit moved me to share the verse with a group of about 40 Christian Men in my Emmaus Ministry who get together weekly to celebrate the Lord and talk about His Truth. Since then the number of people I share my study with has grown to over 650. I enjoy an open loving dialog about anything I write and I have strived to write what I know the Lord wants me to share steering clear of offending anyone’s spiritual beliefs because I share my work with people I meet in public when I strike up a conversation about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It took almost 2 years to begin writing what the Holy Spirit leads me to say. I believe that all Christians must unite as One Body of Christ’s Love to accomplish the joy of living with love, honor and respect. I reach out to Humanity to share His Salvation be it Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Episcopal or any other religion or belief. I seek to mirror His Compassion, His Simpleness, His Charity and His Love. While I am Catholic, I believe we must all unite in the Lord to become One Body in Christ to bring our children back to The Church. I am humbled to share my study with you. Please feel free to comment any time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my Joy because I am a Disciple of His Truth. I am honored to share my Bible study with anyone you may recommend. As always, I remain, Yours in Christ, Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
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