You disregard God’s Commandment but cling to human tradition. Mark 7:8

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-7-2012


You disregard God’s Commandment but cling to human tradition. Mark 7:8


1 Kings 8:22-30, Psalm 84 & Mark 7:1-13


More and more everyday we are seeing the universe disregard the Commandments set forth by God being dwindled down to selfish acts of sin disregarding the ultimate consequences of eternal punishment in hell because they follow the desires of the heart instead of the desires set forth by God Himself. King Solomon was taught the way to truly honor God and he did do so in completing the Altar for the Ark showing with his final prayer the devotion he taught to his people to revere God. “LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below; You keep covenant and love toward Your servants who walk before You with their whole heart.” 1 King 8:23


When you cling to human tradition, you disregard God’s Truth and therefore disrespect His Omnipotence of the Universe. God created humanity to honor Him and praise Him in the every situation imaginable. He doesn’t disregard the meek as much as He doesn’t forget the rich for in honoring Him in the confines of homeless man’s tent or a vast mansion God blesses those who follow His Decrees of Truth. There will come a time in your life when someone will cling to human tradition rather than follow the Decrees of the LORD set forth in the Ten Commandments. They will pursue tradition rather than acting on God’s Rules of treating your neighbor as you yourself would be treated. Hold your head up high and praise the LORD to overcome this tragedy of false witness, pride and envy to find the LORD’s Way in every aspect of your life. Amen.


We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to cling only to Your Truth and disregard human tradition. We pray for a personal intention of asking God to help some people see the human tradition they are regarding instead of acting on God’s Truth. We are praying for the soon to be released film “October Baby” to educate the world about abortion. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to close abortion clinics. We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for Pastor Carl and the Jesus Community Center. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our spouses, children, family, friends, and the unknown Christ-like people we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


Nullifying the Word of God- Mark 7:1-13


Pharisees and Scribes gathered around Him so

Speaking to Him as a servant unknown

How can your disciples eat with unclean hands?

Keeping a tradition of elders purification stand


Jesus replied with Isaiah as His defense

You people honor God with your lips

Keeping your heart far from the fix

Worship teaching as doctrines human precepts


Ignoring God’s Commandments

Clinging to human tradition

Nullifying the Word of God

In favor of a human mission


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 7, 2012 @ 4:55 AM


About Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

My name is Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins. I first recognize Christ as my Savior in all things. I am married to my best friend and Soul-Mate in Christ, Antonia Cruz-Wiggins. I am a University of Florida graduate of Public Relations, a US Navy Veteran and a Montessori Elementary School Teacher. I love life and God's help of living it! I follow the Light of Christ in everything I do! I love writing poetry about the Lord and I create a new poem from each Scripture I discern in my daily mediations. You can almost follow the poem by looking at the readings for each day. I started sharing this small yet personal scripture study four years ago when one day I was reading the bible and the Holy Spirit moved me to share the verse with a group of about 40 Christian Men in my Emmaus Ministry who get together weekly to celebrate the Lord and talk about His Truth. Since then the number of people I share my study with has grown to over 650. I enjoy an open loving dialog about anything I write and I have strived to write what I know the Lord wants me to share steering clear of offending anyone’s spiritual beliefs because I share my work with people I meet in public when I strike up a conversation about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It took almost 2 years to begin writing what the Holy Spirit leads me to say. I believe that all Christians must unite as One Body of Christ’s Love to accomplish the joy of living with love, honor and respect. I reach out to Humanity to share His Salvation be it Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Episcopal or any other religion or belief. I seek to mirror His Compassion, His Simpleness, His Charity and His Love. While I am Catholic, I believe we must all unite in the Lord to become One Body in Christ to bring our children back to The Church. I am humbled to share my study with you. Please feel free to comment any time. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is my Joy because I am a Disciple of His Truth. I am honored to share my Bible study with anyone you may recommend. As always, I remain, Yours in Christ, Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
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